We've all been there. You watch a film with a slightly more discerning eye and you find it hilarious. From shark films to
The Notebook, we've all found laughs in the unlikeliest of places. Here are our five favourites:

The shark eats the helicopter - Jaws 2: So for some reason, the children decide it's a good idea to go out in their boats despite Papa Brody's strong warnings. It all ends in disaster and in short, they need to call the coastguard. Just when you think things are going to turn into a bloodbath, a helicopter arrives. It lands on the water and, well, it turns into a bloodbath. If the blood is wires and fuel. The shark grabs hold of the helicopter and pulls it underwater and
eats it whole. OK maybe it doesn't eat it whole, but it gives it a good seeing to. Any suspense or terror you might have previously felt has just been wiped out. Don't go back in the water because a really unbelievable chain of events will take place and your helicopter will be mauled by a shark.

2. Samuel L. Jackson's motivating speech ends in a shark attack - Deep Blue Sea: There's a really fine line between a good shark film and a unintentionally funny shark film. Deep Blue Sea sees the line, and manipulates it as far as it possibly can that the audience is unsure if the film is unintentionally funny, or actually supposed to be funny.
Things are looking bad for the scientists who genetically engineer sharks to be way too intelligent. Heck, they've already killed someone by locking them in an oven and
turning it on. However, things reach a whole new level when Samuel L. Jackson, mid-motivating speech, gets a little too close to the edge. The next thing you know, a shark has jumped out of the water in a half decent impression of
Free Willy (if Willy was a genetically engineered intelligent shark intent on eating Jesse), eating him whole. This happens either before or after a shark eats a man's torso and his legs fall to the bottom of the sea, still twitching like a headless chicken. We weren't about to re-watch the film to find out. Probably the whole film could be on the list, but this is our personal favourite. No. The whole film should be on the list.

Rachel McAdams remembers to take off all her jewelry - The Notebook: Consumed by her wild, unconditional passion for Ryan Gosling, she is simply unable to hold on to her prized virginity for any longer and the young couple proceed to remove their clothing before performing 'the act'. However, she takes it a step too far, removing her earrings and her necklace. Did she not learn anything from

The scary red monsters in the village turn out to be Adrien Brody - The Village: Really, the whole film is just hilarious, and gets even more hilarious when you watch it a second time, knowing what happens. OK so we lied a bit in the title, the Village are a group of people who live a very traditional life because the outside world is just too horrifying. They keep everyone in the Village by scaring them with evil red monsters that are truly terrifying to the villagers. To anyone in the audience over the age of 12, they are hilariously un-scary. Once we find out they're fake, you'd think that would be it, but no, one monster makes a final appearance, as if we're supposed to believe now, that they're real.. wait, what?! No, it's just Adrian Brody (who is actually surprisingly convincing as a man with severe learning difficulties). We would say this is a low point is M. Night Shymalan's career, but then we remembered only one of his films is actually worth watching, and that's only really worth seeing once.
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