Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Joseph Kony mk II (-write to your MP, don't share a video)

So I got all annoyed about this whole Invisible Children thing. Basically, how can you achieve change through liking a status and/or sharing a video? If you want to influence the government and your Facebook privacy settings are anything like mine, they're not even going to be able to see that I've shared the video/liked the Facebook page/pledged my support anyway. So I drafted some letters you could write to your MP and possibly even a Lord, to show you feel strongly on the issue. I've already advised against donating money to Invisible Children until things become a bit more transparent with regards to their finances, so this is something to do in the interim if you feel strongly. Or you could always donate some money to Save the Children...

If you would like to copy and paste it (make sure you change the name of the MP and the name of the constituency/area you live in) then please do! If you don't know who your MP is, or how to contact them, here is a good place to start (or try Googleing them; most MPs have websites these days). As if doing good for the world wasn't enticing enough, if you write the a letter, they send one back on really posh paper! Or maybe you want to write to your MP on a totally other issue. Well now you know how. Remember, they have thousands of letters to read and reply to every day, so it might take a while before you get a response. Try not to be mean or aggressive, even if they're not from the party you support - you want to get them on side!

"Dear Mr/Mrs -------

                        I am writing to you today to express my deep concern about events that have been happening in Uganda for the last 26 years. After watching the viral video by ‘Invisible Children’, ‘Kony 2012’, I was stunned that such atrocities can go on behind the world’s back. If a government was snatching children in this country, forcing them to kill, maim and mutilate our citizens, not only would the rest of the world condemn us, but every single news channel would be reporting it.
            Unless you have not got an Internet connection, I trust that you have seen the video by now. If not, it is easily accessible by Google, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, and you should probably watch it now, before you read any further. The video may seem idealistic and very American, but the sentiment is true. Invisible Children may not be the most reputable of charities, but their work bringing this to light has to be commended and their main aim: to bring about the arrest of Joseph Kony has my full support. Not just the British Government, but the whole of Parliament should be endorsing the arrest and removal from power of Joseph Kony. While I am stunned this is not already on the lips of every single person in Britain, it is not too late to change this.
            I urge you to put your full support to and to encourage your fellow MPs, not to mention Lords, interns, researchers, security guards, cleaners and canteen staff be they Labour, Liberal Democrat or Conservative to do the same. It is you who can make a difference on the world stage. Please, pledge your support to the cause and use the influence you have to raise the issue in the Government, and spread awareness to your constituents in ------.

Yours sincerely,


It's hardly going to win any awards for the Best Letter Written Ever in the Whole Entire World competition, but I think it does the job. If you want to write your own letter, remember to include:
  • Your name and address
  • An outline of the Kony issue
  • Mention of the video
  • The fact that you want the government to do something about it
  • If you support the Invisible Children, feel free to mention that too

I then used writetothem to send a message to a Lord. You can use the search engine to write to a Lord who already knows about the issue - type in 'Kony' in the top box. Or maybe you want to raise awareness of the issue to a Lord who hasn't already spoken about the issue.

"Dear Lord ---,

It was with disgust that I viewed a viral video made by 'Invisible Children' about Joseph Kony. I had previously not been aware of the state off affairs in Uganda and was shocked that this has not been in the news every day for the last 26 years. Invisible Children may not be the most reputable of charities, but their work bringing this to light has to be commended and their main aim: to bring about the arrest of Joseph Kony has my full support. I have written to my MP, urging him to use his influence to raise awareness and support for the arrest of this dreadful man. I wished to write to a Lord as well, and through the topic search engine on 'writetothem' I found that you have spoken about Kony before in the Lords. 

I urge you to readdress the issue, particularly as now is a time when knowledge of Kony's hideous crimes is becoming prevalent. Thousands upon thousands of people are viewing this video and speaking out against Kony, but the people of Britain are powerless unless those in power sit up and listen to what we are saying. Enough is enough and more needs to be done, by Britain and the world to stop him.

Yours sincerely,

----- "

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